Code of Ethics

Before I wrote this code of ethics, I was taking courses to become a holistic life coach. I was encouraged to get in touch with my Inner Child and identify what values I hold in my core identity.

This was quite a challenge for me, but it helped me realize that my values are deeply rooted and helped form the direction of my life’s purpose.  The following Mission statement, as well as the Code of Ethics, therefore, is a reflection of who I, Diana Kelley, am.

Inner Child
explained as what your 17-year-old self enjoyed doing, what was important to you, and what dreams there were of the future

My Mission

I assist those in pursuit of a Victorious Life by directing them to the tools the Lord has provided.  In other words, I provide those ready to embrace personal and spiritual transformative growth with the encouragement and tools to support living a victorious life.

My Personal Value-based Code of Ethics

code of ethics spirituality


It is my belief that the ultimate purpose for life is to glorify God in whatever path He has chosen for me to take in this moment.  Therefore, I must prioritize a personal connection with God in all my endeavors, seeking His guidance and wisdom.


The members of my immediate family are close to my heart.  Their physical and emotional needs are important to me and will always come before friends or business relationships.


authentic self

Authentic Self

I tried for many years trying to fit into other people’s expectations, but that left me feeling unfulfilled and shallow.  I now strive to embrace my authentic self by  consistently speaking, acting and pursuing the dreams and goals that are in harmony with my inner child and life’s purpose.

Personal Growth

Some people seem content to skate through life with minimum effort, expecting everyone else to move out of their way while they plow through without care.  This is not enough for me.  I believe the Lord provides us with the opportunity to experience transformative growth but we have to put in the effort to continuously learn and incorporate that knowledge into our everyday life.

code of ethics personal growth



I find speaking one thing and acting another (hypocrisy) detestable.  Instead, I value balance in thoughts, attitudes and actions.


I believe that we were created with the divine right of freedom of choice.  We were not created to be robots!  To me, this freedom encompasses your choice of religion, speech and lifestyle.  Of course, individual choices may have undesirable consequences, so choose carefully.


gratitude and positivity

Gratitude and Positivity

The Bible speaks of giving thanks in all things – recognizing that even our struggles have merit.  This is not to say that we do not recognize when life is difficult (or become sad or angry), but avoid wallowing in negativity and accepting that the Lord remains near to us even through the darkness.

Orderliness and Cleanliness

When my surroundings are in disarray, I have a difficult time thinking and maintaining a peaceful spirit. Cleaning my environment is not typically a reflection of how I feel about a person or their organization skills, but a coping mechanism that I use for dealing with my own anxiety.

orderliness and cleanliness

code of ethics resilience


Life is hard and complicated. Challenges are inevitable. The Bible is full of stories of people facing severe challenges and setbacks, yet keep moving forward. I strive to move forward with resilience, acknowledging setbacks as opportunities for growth.


The Lord has given us many blessings. I am committed to the responsible and mindful use of these gifts, both personal and environmental.

code of ethics stewardship

holistic health

Holistic Health

Wellness is a continuous journey. Recognizing that we were created with an interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit I use and encourage practices that nurture holistic well-being.  I recognize the value of both natural remedies and modern medicine. Though, as an advocate for holistic health, I tend to share knowledge on alternative therapies, nutritional supplements, and herbal remedies for preventive care, and allow the medical professionals to teach us in the area of modern medicine.


While rooted in Seventh Day Adventism, I strive to keep an open heart and welcome individuals from all faith backgrounds – recognizing the uniqueness and the beauty that comes from different perspectives of individual spiritual journeys. As we walk alongside each other on our individual paths, offering understanding and support without trying to change one another, we foster a sacred space of respect and understanding.

code of ethics tolerance

code of ethics  integrity


I wish to live my life as a reflection of God’s loving grace.  As Amy Grant’s song “Father’s Eyes” states, “When people look inside my life, I want to hear them say She’s got her Father’s eyes”. 

Join me as we embark on a journey of personal and spiritual growth embracing these values as our code of ethics as we strive for a community built on love, support, and the pursuit of a Victorious Life. 

Diana Kelley Creations
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